Well, story after story of Addams Family fanfiction has piled up over the last few months! Finding new fics has become easier than ever with the new addition of the Addams Family category on fanfiction.net!
A few other discoveries are listed below:
-From livejournal.com-
Title: Changing Room Politics
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Mrs Addams makes football a lot more fun...
Warning: ADULT
Title: In Vino Veritas
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: On a very rare occassion, Gomez gets drunk. Just a crazy little fluff involving a bachelor party. Slightly out of character, for we've never seen him drunk... =D
Title: Danger and Love
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Mr. Addams has always loved the colour red.
Warning: ADULT
Title: Letters to the Incarcerated
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Mr Addams has been seperated from his wife for a few weeks.
Title: The Art of Passion
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Mr and Mrs Addams argue...
Warning: ADULT
Title: I'd Be Surprisingly Good For You
Author: slashydutchie
Summary: Morticia/Gomez barely touching erogenous zones, teasing
Warning: ADULT
Title: Little Boys
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Joel realsies something...
Warning: ADULT
Title: Vieil Homme
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Mr. Addams needs glasses...
Title: Addams Family Beginning
Author: famem01
Summary: The Addams family. Ever since, the Addamses are together… but one time, an intruder entered their family. They never thought that they of almost lost one of the most important members and person of the family… Morticia Frump Addams.
Title: Love In Two Acts
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: There has always been two sides to thier marriage and when they are seperated, both sides battle for dominence but both always out.
Warning: ADULT
Title:Spiders on Skin (Blood, Sugar, Coal)
Author: greenovalfruit
Summary: Abby's services as a babysitter are required at the Addams household. What an extraordinary fit... in more ways than one.
Crossover: Addams Family/NCIS
Warning: ADULT
Author: corset_fiend
Summary: Games that Addamses play.
Warning: ADULT
-From other sources-
Title: Family Values
Author: Ishitar
Summary: If Harry Potter had been raised in the Addams Family
Crossover: Addams Family/Harry Potter
If you've written a Addams Family fanfic, or if you'd like to recommend a story not listed here or on fanfiction.net, please leave a comment so that it can be archived here on the Addamses Blog!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Addams Family vs. The Munsters: a Review
I came across this review of the Addams Family Season 1 DVD set. It contains yet another insightful comparison of the Addams Family and the Munsters. Since this much contested match-up is always of interest, I decided to post it.
Read the review on the Seattle Examiner's homepage,
Read the review on the Seattle Examiner's homepage,
addams family,
classic show,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Addams Family Show Among Top Runners for Wanted Remakes
From the Press Association:
The Muppet Show has topped a poll of programmes viewers want to see return to TV screens.
The Addams Family, The Wombles, Rainbow and Red Dwarf also featured in the small-screen top 10.
Adults aged between 30 and 40 were asked to list the programmes they would like to see revived.
The Muppet Show, which originally ran from 1976 to 1981 and made famous Jim Henson-created characters such as Miss Piggy, Kermit and Gonzo, grabbed the biggest share of the vote.
The A-Team, the action adventure series of the 1980s famous for catchphrases such as Hannibal Smith's "I love it when a plan comes together", came second.
Crackerjack, the famous children's BBC TV series, was third, followed by the long-running 1980s and 1990s sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf.
Dungeons and Dragons, the US animated series of the 1980s, was fifth, followed by Rainbow, featuring the likes of Zippy, Bungle and George, and The Wombles.
The top ten was completed by Worzel Gummidge, which starred Jon Pertwee as the walking, talking scarecrow from 1979 to 1981, Bewitched, and The Addams Family.
Kevin Murphy, joint managing director of Zed Media, which commissioned the survey, said: "People still have strong emotional attachments to the TV programmes they watched as a child.
"The results show the growing trend for all things retro applies to TV as much as fashion."
The Muppet Show has topped a poll of programmes viewers want to see return to TV screens.
The Addams Family, The Wombles, Rainbow and Red Dwarf also featured in the small-screen top 10.
Adults aged between 30 and 40 were asked to list the programmes they would like to see revived.
The Muppet Show, which originally ran from 1976 to 1981 and made famous Jim Henson-created characters such as Miss Piggy, Kermit and Gonzo, grabbed the biggest share of the vote.
The A-Team, the action adventure series of the 1980s famous for catchphrases such as Hannibal Smith's "I love it when a plan comes together", came second.
Crackerjack, the famous children's BBC TV series, was third, followed by the long-running 1980s and 1990s sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf.
Dungeons and Dragons, the US animated series of the 1980s, was fifth, followed by Rainbow, featuring the likes of Zippy, Bungle and George, and The Wombles.
The top ten was completed by Worzel Gummidge, which starred Jon Pertwee as the walking, talking scarecrow from 1979 to 1981, Bewitched, and The Addams Family.
Kevin Murphy, joint managing director of Zed Media, which commissioned the survey, said: "People still have strong emotional attachments to the TV programmes they watched as a child.
"The results show the growing trend for all things retro applies to TV as much as fashion."
addams family,
classic show,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Addams Family Cosplay

In the spirit of Halloween, I thought this link of Japanese costume-clad Addams fans would be of interest. While it appears that you must login to get the full benefits of the site, thumbnails are visible to all.
There are twelve Addams Family cosplay to date
addams family,
Fan Question
The following question is being asked about the Addams Family Values movie, on faqsabout.org:
Did Amanda die in the addams family values?
Remember when Wednesday burned down the village of the play and tied up Amanda to the wooden stick surrounded by wood covered in gasoline? well did amanda die?
Write a response to the question on faqsabout.org
Did Amanda die in the addams family values?
Remember when Wednesday burned down the village of the play and tied up Amanda to the wooden stick surrounded by wood covered in gasoline? well did amanda die?
Write a response to the question on faqsabout.org
addams family,
Cool Stuff by a Fan!

Came across this great little doll set on www.rapaart.com
Of it, the artist wrote:
"Finally, for the Matroishka Doll set, I did the Addams Family with a character on each half of the nesting doll. It was quite the challenge and they were done in acrylic paint with varnish. A coffin box painted in black and gold was lined in silk tartan (black & blues) and when opened, it played The Addams Family theme song."
Link to the original post
Addams Family Musical Sets Dates for Chicago Premiere
Dates and a theater are set for the pre-Broadway world premiere of a new musical version of The Addams Family. Based on the bizarre and beloved family of characters created by cartoonist Charles Addams, the show will begin performances on November 13, 2009, at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts, Oriental Theatre in Chicago and will run through January 10, 2010, prior to a Broadway opening planned for the spring of 2010.
Read more on broadway.com
Read more on broadway.com
Thursday, November 6, 2008
John Astin Joins Tribute to Edgar Allan Poe
John Astin is scheduled to narrate in the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra's celebration of Edgar Allan Poe's 200th birthday. The musical tribute will be preformed on November 6th at The Music Center of Strathmore and November 7th and 8th at Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
Follow the link for more information about the preformance
Follow the link for more information about the preformance
addams family,
John Astin,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Visit While They Last
Two recent links of interest that probably won't be available indefinitely:
"The Addams Family Super Mega Post!," found on Dartman's World of Wonder Blog-
A great introductory post for aspiring Addam’s Family trivia-ists, this link is a collection of info, music downloads (Classic show soundtrack, “The Lurch” sung by Ted Cassidy, and the 1977 “Halloween with the New Addams Family” OST), and videos of the Addams Family’s appearances in The New Scooby Doo Movies!
Also, “Happy Halloween from Chas Addams” originally posted on the Hairy Green Eyeball Blog-
This post has a number of original Charles Addams comics from Addams’s first comic compilation. It’s a great introduction for people who are fans of the shows or movies but haven’t had a chance to see what started out the franchise.
Enjoy these links while they last, as it's possible that their full content may not be available indefinitely.
"The Addams Family Super Mega Post!," found on Dartman's World of Wonder Blog-
A great introductory post for aspiring Addam’s Family trivia-ists, this link is a collection of info, music downloads (Classic show soundtrack, “The Lurch” sung by Ted Cassidy, and the 1977 “Halloween with the New Addams Family” OST), and videos of the Addams Family’s appearances in The New Scooby Doo Movies!
Also, “Happy Halloween from Chas Addams” originally posted on the Hairy Green Eyeball Blog-
This post has a number of original Charles Addams comics from Addams’s first comic compilation. It’s a great introduction for people who are fans of the shows or movies but haven’t had a chance to see what started out the franchise.
Enjoy these links while they last, as it's possible that their full content may not be available indefinitely.
addams family,
Charles Addams,
classic show,
Friday, October 31, 2008
Lurch on Batman
Happy Halloween, everyone!
addams family,
classic show,
guest appearance,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Casting Call
Open auditions for “The Addams Family” The Musical are being held in New York on October 29th! For all you Addams Family fans out there who happen to be professional dancers, here are the details:
The Addams Family- The Musical- Equity Chorus Call/Dancers
Producer: Stuart Oken Workshop Contract $560/week minimum (if a 5-day week) or $672/week minimum (if a 6-day week).
Workshop dates: January 14 – 27, 2009.
Seeking: Ensemble Dancers (m/f): 20s – 40s, all ethnicities. Strong classically and technically trained dancers who have a strong contemporary background. Seeking all types, with a quirky sense of movement and style. Seeking dancers who sing very well. Knowledge of tango and flamenco dancing a plus.
Some good things about being in a Workshop Contract production:
In addition to the salary the Actors earn during the Workshop sessions, they also earn a share in the future success of the show. For their contributions to the development of the show, the Actors share in contingent compensation that takes two forms. First, the Actors share in the weekly box office gross when the show is produced under contract; that is, the Actors, as a group, share a percentage (usually 1%) of the gross box office receipts. However, the percentage of gross receipts may increase when there is more than one session of the Workshop. Equity determines each Actor’s share based on the number of days/weeks that the Actor participated in the Workshop.
Second, the Actors share in any subsidiary rights income which is generated by the play. For example, subsidiary rights income can come from royalties from foreign productions, stock and amateur rights, or from the sale of motion picture rights. The Actors’ share of subsidiary rights is usually 1.5% of net receipts.
Those Actors who complete the Workshop must also be offered employment to perform the same role or function in the first subsequent production of the play under a standard Equity contract, or they must be offered no less than four weeks’ minimum salary under the appropriate Equity contract.
Equity Chorus Call/Dancers
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
10 AM – Equity women dancers who sing well
2 PM – Equity men dancers who sing well
Ripley-Grier Studios
520 Eighth Avenue, 16th Floor
Please be warmed up and ready to dance when the call begins. Jazz shoes or sneakers and comfortable clothing. Some may be asked to stay and sing after all have danced. Please prepare 16 bars of a contemporary musical theater song or pop song. Bring sheet music; an accompanist will be provided.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Link to the original page
The Addams Family- The Musical- Equity Chorus Call/Dancers
Producer: Stuart Oken Workshop Contract $560/week minimum (if a 5-day week) or $672/week minimum (if a 6-day week).
Workshop dates: January 14 – 27, 2009.
Seeking: Ensemble Dancers (m/f): 20s – 40s, all ethnicities. Strong classically and technically trained dancers who have a strong contemporary background. Seeking all types, with a quirky sense of movement and style. Seeking dancers who sing very well. Knowledge of tango and flamenco dancing a plus.
Some good things about being in a Workshop Contract production:
In addition to the salary the Actors earn during the Workshop sessions, they also earn a share in the future success of the show. For their contributions to the development of the show, the Actors share in contingent compensation that takes two forms. First, the Actors share in the weekly box office gross when the show is produced under contract; that is, the Actors, as a group, share a percentage (usually 1%) of the gross box office receipts. However, the percentage of gross receipts may increase when there is more than one session of the Workshop. Equity determines each Actor’s share based on the number of days/weeks that the Actor participated in the Workshop.
Second, the Actors share in any subsidiary rights income which is generated by the play. For example, subsidiary rights income can come from royalties from foreign productions, stock and amateur rights, or from the sale of motion picture rights. The Actors’ share of subsidiary rights is usually 1.5% of net receipts.
Those Actors who complete the Workshop must also be offered employment to perform the same role or function in the first subsequent production of the play under a standard Equity contract, or they must be offered no less than four weeks’ minimum salary under the appropriate Equity contract.
Equity Chorus Call/Dancers
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
10 AM – Equity women dancers who sing well
2 PM – Equity men dancers who sing well
Ripley-Grier Studios
520 Eighth Avenue, 16th Floor
Please be warmed up and ready to dance when the call begins. Jazz shoes or sneakers and comfortable clothing. Some may be asked to stay and sing after all have danced. Please prepare 16 bars of a contemporary musical theater song or pop song. Bring sheet music; an accompanist will be provided.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Link to the original page
Monday, October 6, 2008
Addams Family Fanfiction Challenge!
insanepink of livejournal.com has issued an Addams Family fanfiction challenge! If you're not familiar with the concept, a fanfiction challenge is a call to fiction writers to take up the pen and create a fanfiction story using a specific prompt.
The prompts, set by insanepink, are as follows:
-Morticia and Gomez getting a divorce
-Wednesday and Joel (Joel= Wednesday's love interest in Addams Family Values)
-Addams Family Parallel Universe
-Addams and Munsters Cross over
-The having been separated for ages and they meeting up again.
-Something to do with Puglsey (no one ever writes about him)
-Something to do with Fester
-Something to do with Ophelia
-Something to do with Grandmama
-How Morticia and Gomez met.
Hopefully, these prompts will inspire a few stories! If you decide to participate in the challenge, post your story in the livejournal community Addamses and/or The Addams Source. If you don't have a livejournal account but would still like to participate, just post a link to your story and I would be happy to pass it along. Remember, any story you write will be appreciated--there just isn't enough Addams Family fiction in the world. We need more!
Link to the original challenge issued by insanepink
The prompts, set by insanepink, are as follows:
-Morticia and Gomez getting a divorce
-Wednesday and Joel (Joel= Wednesday's love interest in Addams Family Values)
-Addams Family Parallel Universe
-Addams and Munsters Cross over
-The having been separated for ages and they meeting up again.
-Something to do with Puglsey (no one ever writes about him)
-Something to do with Fester
-Something to do with Ophelia
-Something to do with Grandmama
-How Morticia and Gomez met.
Hopefully, these prompts will inspire a few stories! If you decide to participate in the challenge, post your story in the livejournal community Addamses and/or The Addams Source. If you don't have a livejournal account but would still like to participate, just post a link to your story and I would be happy to pass it along. Remember, any story you write will be appreciated--there just isn't enough Addams Family fiction in the world. We need more!
Link to the original challenge issued by insanepink
addams family,
Addams Family Poll Closed

Our last poll, "In your mind, Uncle Fester is...", has closed and the results are in.
Most polled (55%, with 66 votes) think of Uncle Fester as "Gomez's brother--Fester Addams". The second most popular opinion (21%, with 26 votes) is that Fester is "An Addams at heart--and that's what really matters!" After that, "Morticia's Uncle--Fester Frump!" (15%, at 19 votes), followed far behind with "Probably an Addams, but not Gomez's brother" (4%, 5 votes); "Not actually human" (1%, 2 votes); and "Not actually a relative at all" (0%, 1 vote).
It's interesting to see that the movie version of Fester's relationship to the family seems be be most prevalent. Thanks to all those who participated. Be sure to keep your eyes open for our next poll, which will be added to the top, right hand corner of this blog soon.
Anjelica Huston - Orange Commercial
This commecial was brought to my attention by mineowyn of livejournal.com
It features Anjelica Huston acting distinctly Morticia-esque, plus a brief parody of the Addams Family theme.
addams family,
Anjelica Huston,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
An Evening with John Astin

John Astin read poems, prose excerpts and told anecdotes about his career at the Duncan Smith Theater in Holmdel this week. The special appearances were entitled, "An Evening with John Astin," and were a benefit for the education and community programs of the Holmdel Theatre Company.
-Read an interview with Astin
-Astin talks more about the event
-Read more about the event
addams family,
John Astin,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuwirth Cast to Star in Addams Musical

Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuwirth have accepted the offered rolls of Gomez and Mortica Addams in the upcoming Broadway musical of the Addams Family that's set for 2009/2010.
Read more about it!
Also, discuss it with other fans on livejournal's addamses and gothicbeauty.com
addams family,
Bebe Neuwirth,
Nathan Lane,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Addams Family Road Trip

The Addams Family, along with their M&M friends, have hit the road as the official M&M's Dark spokesfamily. Watch them travel across the United States, stopping at popular tourist destinations.
View photos of their trip

And read all about it in Wednesday Addams's Blog

Watch them travel the country at M&M's Dark Chocolate Official Webpage
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Buffy/Addams Family/Munsters fanfiction... Oh my!
Well, this may not be exactly what most Addams Family fans are looking for, but the Addams family and the Munsters were recently mentioned in a piece of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction called "The Letter" by shylittlemuse of livejournal.
A warning to Addams Family fans, though, the story mentions Addams Family character deaths, and the main focus of the story is on characters of Buffy the Vampire.
Read the story on livejournal:
A warning to Addams Family fans, though, the story mentions Addams Family character deaths, and the main focus of the story is on characters of Buffy the Vampire.
Read the story on livejournal:
The Letter
addams family,
Addams Family TV Promo on Jonny Quest
A short but sweet 1964 promo of the Addams family on Jonny Quest!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
'Charles Addams: Master of the Macabre' - - 1953 magazine article

"The In Crowd" has posted a great article on Charles Addams from 1953. The article is viewable in the I'm Learning to Share! Blog.
addams family,
Charles Addams,
Monday, May 19, 2008
Addams Family Themed Wedding
Jan Langenfeld and John Hadley had a wedding any Addams Family fan would be proud of:
A spooky 'I do'
They were creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky. And very much in love.
When Jan Langenfeld and John Hadley got married last October, they wanted a fun wedding they would remember forever. And so they decided to capitalize on Langenfeld’s favorite holiday — Halloween — with an Addams Family theme.
“I came as Morticia and John as Gomez,” said Langenfeld, a nurse at SwedishAmerican Hospital. “The best man (came) as Uncle Fester, and my sister as Wednesday. My brother walked me down the aisle; he was Pugsly. Thing, the hand, was our ring bearer. John found him on eBay, and he came down the aisle with our wedding rings.”
While not everyone dressed in Addams Family gear — the wedding’s 55 guests were warned in advance it was a costume party — everybody had a costume of some sort. Even the servers and bartenders were dressed up, and one friend came as a tiki bar (his date was the waitress).
The reception was decorated as a graveyard with rats, bats and goblins, and Halloween music was played throughout the night. Instead of a traditional wedding cake, the couple had cupcakes with spiders on them.
Read the Full Article on rrstar.com
They were creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky. And very much in love.
When Jan Langenfeld and John Hadley got married last October, they wanted a fun wedding they would remember forever. And so they decided to capitalize on Langenfeld’s favorite holiday — Halloween — with an Addams Family theme.
“I came as Morticia and John as Gomez,” said Langenfeld, a nurse at SwedishAmerican Hospital. “The best man (came) as Uncle Fester, and my sister as Wednesday. My brother walked me down the aisle; he was Pugsly. Thing, the hand, was our ring bearer. John found him on eBay, and he came down the aisle with our wedding rings.”
While not everyone dressed in Addams Family gear — the wedding’s 55 guests were warned in advance it was a costume party — everybody had a costume of some sort. Even the servers and bartenders were dressed up, and one friend came as a tiki bar (his date was the waitress).
The reception was decorated as a graveyard with rats, bats and goblins, and Halloween music was played throughout the night. Instead of a traditional wedding cake, the couple had cupcakes with spiders on them.
Read the Full Article on rrstar.com
Isabel Samaras Paints Classic TV Icons

Artist Isabel Samaras has several Addams Familiy-related paintings up on her official website. Browsing through her recent works and archives, you're likely to see some of your favorite characters from classic shows and movies of the past--doing things you've never seen them doing before! It's definitely worth a look!
addams family,
classic show,
Friday, May 16, 2008
Addams Family Fans Most Like Wednesday
According to our latest poll, 36% of fans polled consider themselves to be most like Wednesday Addams. Runner up was Morticia Addams with 22%, followed by Gomez Addams with 15%.
Here are the full results:
Not sure which Addams Family member you're most like? Take the Addams Family personality test!
Or visit the alternate link to take this quiz with picture results!
Here are the full results:
Not sure which Addams Family member you're most like? Take the Addams Family personality test!
Or visit the alternate link to take this quiz with picture results!
addams family,
personality test,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wednesday's Dress on Display
According to The Evening Times Online, one of the dresses worn by Christina Ricci in Addams Family Values is currently on display, along with many other ironical film and music-related items, at Paisley Museum & Art Gallery in Paisley, Scotland.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Addams Family vs. Munsters? I think not
Tony Figueroa of blogcritics.org has written an interesting opinion piece about the comparability of the original Addams Family and Munsters shows and their many contrasts:
The Beauty of The Munsters & The Addams Family
I do not want to repeat my Blake vs. Potter debate, but comparing The Addams Family to The Munsters is like comparing Laverne & Shirley to Cagney & Lacey. Other than the fact that these were macabre sitcoms mocking the nuclear families that were on the air at the time, these two shows and families were very different. For example if Eddie Munster (Butch Patrick) wanted to join the Boy Scouts his parents Herman & Lily (Fred Gwynne and Yvonne De Carlo) would be thrilled where as if Pugsley Addams (Ken Weatherwax) wanted to join the Boy Scouts his parents Gomez & Morticia (John Astin & Carolyn Jones) would be mortified and hope that this was just a phase.
Read more at blogcritics.org
The Beauty of The Munsters & The Addams Family
I do not want to repeat my Blake vs. Potter debate, but comparing The Addams Family to The Munsters is like comparing Laverne & Shirley to Cagney & Lacey. Other than the fact that these were macabre sitcoms mocking the nuclear families that were on the air at the time, these two shows and families were very different. For example if Eddie Munster (Butch Patrick) wanted to join the Boy Scouts his parents Herman & Lily (Fred Gwynne and Yvonne De Carlo) would be thrilled where as if Pugsley Addams (Ken Weatherwax) wanted to join the Boy Scouts his parents Gomez & Morticia (John Astin & Carolyn Jones) would be mortified and hope that this was just a phase.
Read more at blogcritics.org
addams family,
classic show,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Watch More Addams Family on Hulu.com!
Last time I mentioned hulu.com, a hand full of original series Addams Family episodes were accessible for free viewing. Now, I'm happy to say that a full 63 episodes are available for free and legal viewing!
Watch the original Addams Family TV show on Hulu.com!
Watch the original Addams Family TV show on Hulu.com!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
M&MS vs. Addams Family Lawsuit
Hot on the heels of a lawsuit charging they infringed on the image of Times Square icon "The Naked Cowboy," the makers of M&Ms have been slapped with a $10 million federal suit for using characters from the old "Addams Family" TV series in their dark-chocolate candy ads.
A freelance entertainment broker is suing Mars Inc., claiming she originally pitched the concept of having characters from the 1960s-era show interact with animated M&Ms in an ad to cross-promote the release of an "Addams Family" DVD.
Read the entire article at nypost.com
A freelance entertainment broker is suing Mars Inc., claiming she originally pitched the concept of having characters from the 1960s-era show interact with animated M&Ms in an ad to cross-promote the release of an "Addams Family" DVD.
Read the entire article at nypost.com
addams family,
classic show,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Charles Addams Rates in 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years

Charles Addams will be honored this April in Weird Tales Magazine as one of the 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years.
The full list of storytellers is as follows:
April's edition of Weird Tales will be on sale online.
Charles Addams,
weird tales
What do you know - another Addams Family vs. Munsters Poll
Apparently, the question of which television spook family is better--the Addams Family or the Munsters--is one that people are asking the whole internet over. I suppose this question is especially fitting for a blog called "Pop Culture Battles: When Pop Culture Icons meet head to head."
For anyone interested in voting, this poll even has a nice visual aid. It appears that the Addamses are in the lead at the moment.
VOTE in the The Addams Family vs The Munsters Poll
For anyone interested in voting, this poll even has a nice visual aid. It appears that the Addamses are in the lead at the moment.
VOTE in the The Addams Family vs The Munsters Poll
addams family,
classic show,
Friday, March 28, 2008

Becca of No Smoking in the Skull Cave recently made this cool drawing of the Addams family. I urge everyone to check out her blog, where you can see many other great works of art, including a drawing of the Munsters.
By the way, if anyone else has Addams Family fanart they think would be fitting to post here, please let me know.
Visit the No Smoking in the Skull Cave BLOG
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Addams Family Fans Take Action
Addams Family Fans rocked the vote in a recent blogspot poll!
The results of the Definitive Monster Family Poll:

The poll's creator attributed the Addams win to this blog, stating "An outside group has referenced our poll and has stacked the vote with their Addams Family fans! ... I will not contest the results--clearly, the Addams' had more of an aggressive ground game than the Munsters camp. They communicated more effectively and got their people organized."
And it looks like the poll did indeed get an influx of visitors from our site:

So, congratulations to those of you who voted for the Addams Family. And many thanks to all the participants in the poll! Also, a very special thanks to the poll's creator and the Munster Family! Hopefully, there aren't any hard feelings.
Read all about the poll at the We Don't Buy It BLOG
The results of the Definitive Monster Family Poll:

The poll's creator attributed the Addams win to this blog, stating "An outside group has referenced our poll and has stacked the vote with their Addams Family fans! ... I will not contest the results--clearly, the Addams' had more of an aggressive ground game than the Munsters camp. They communicated more effectively and got their people organized."
And it looks like the poll did indeed get an influx of visitors from our site:

So, congratulations to those of you who voted for the Addams Family. And many thanks to all the participants in the poll! Also, a very special thanks to the poll's creator and the Munster Family! Hopefully, there aren't any hard feelings.
Read all about the poll at the We Don't Buy It BLOG
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Addams Family VS. The Munsters Poll
The Adams Family or The Munsters? Which do you think is the Definitive Monster Family?
Here's your chance to vote!
Follow the link to the 'Which is the definitive monster family' Poll. Voting is done on the left-hand side of the following site:
Vote here!
Here's your chance to vote!
Follow the link to the 'Which is the definitive monster family' Poll. Voting is done on the left-hand side of the following site:
Vote here!
addams family,
classic show,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Addams Family Fanfiction
Another piece of fanfiction by corset_fiend of livejournal.
Title: Semblable à Mère , Semblable à File
Rating: Solid M even NC-17. Not Graphic, I just like to be careful! It's Gomez and Morticia, people!
Summary: Wednesday comes of age, but both parents deal with it very differently. Much chaos, romance and general Addam's kinkiness/madness ensues.
Title: Semblable à Mère , Semblable à File
Rating: Solid M even NC-17. Not Graphic, I just like to be careful! It's Gomez and Morticia, people!
Summary: Wednesday comes of age, but both parents deal with it very differently. Much chaos, romance and general Addam's kinkiness/madness ensues.
Semblable à Mère , Semblable à File
Watch The Addams Family on Hulu.com!
Four episodes of the original series of The Addams Family are now available for viewing for free on hulu.com! Each episode is individually sponsored for legal viewing.
The episodes currently viewable are:
The Addams Family Goes To School
Morticia and The Psychiatrist
Fester's Punctured Romance
Gomez, the Politician
Visit Hulu.com
The episodes currently viewable are:
The Addams Family Goes To School
Morticia and The Psychiatrist
Fester's Punctured Romance
Gomez, the Politician
Visit Hulu.com
Friday, March 7, 2008
Interview with Christopher Hart, hand actor Addams Family's Thing

“The man with the movie star hand,” and “The most famous right hand in Hollywood” are just two of the quotes reviewers have used to describe the talents of master magician Christopher Hart.
This came following his featured role as “Thing” the expressive disembodied hand in the film “The Addams Family,” and its sequel “Addams Family Values." ...
Read More at omhanyreport.blogspot.com
(Scroll about 1/4 of the way down page)
addams family,
Christopher Hart,
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thing For Sale: The Real Thing

March 15th and 16th, Thing, the prop used in the Addams Family movies, will be up for auction, along with other items including the hat belonging to the Wicked Witch of the West in 'The Wizard of Oz,' Superman's movie outfit, Houdini's straitjacket, the gun that Killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and many other pieces of history.
The items will be actioned off at the Palms Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, but items can also be bought online.
* Saturday, March 15, 2008
11am: Session One - Movies
4pm: Session Two - Movies (continued)
* Sunday, March 16, 2008
11am: Session One - John F. Kennedy, Houdini, Music
4pm: Session Two - Television, Bob Mackie, History, Icons, Political Cartoons
Public Preview
* Wednesday, March 12, 2008: 1pm to 9pm
* Thursday, March 13, 2008: 11am to 9pm
* Friday, March 14, 2008: 1pm to 9pm
Visit Guernsey’s Pugliese Pop Culture Collection Website
Photo and info from nydailynews.com.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Battlestar Galactica/Addams Family Fanfiction
Addams Family crossover fanfiction seems to be one of the most popular genres in Addams Family fanfiction. If you're interested in more, there are plenty of Harry Potter/Addams Family fanfics, among others, on fanfiction.net (be warned that Severus Snape tends to turn out to be an Addams relative in many of these)...
Anyway, I just came across a new one. It's a Battlestar Galactica/Addams Family fanfic! Description below.
Title: The Addams Family Meet an Alien
Or How Laura Got a New Dress
Author: withheld until after voting
Crossover: BSG/Addams Family (series)
Characters in order of appearance: Pugsley, Wednesday, Fester, Laura Roslin, Gomez, Morticia, Lurch, Thing, Cleopatra
Rating: PG
Sic goriamus allos subjectos nunc
Thanks to {beta name withheld until after voting} for betaing and not going “You want to cross BSG with what??!!”
Anyway, I just came across a new one. It's a Battlestar Galactica/Addams Family fanfic! Description below.
Title: The Addams Family Meet an Alien
Or How Laura Got a New Dress
Author: withheld until after voting
Crossover: BSG/Addams Family (series)
Characters in order of appearance: Pugsley, Wednesday, Fester, Laura Roslin, Gomez, Morticia, Lurch, Thing, Cleopatra
Rating: PG
Sic goriamus allos subjectos nunc
Thanks to {beta name withheld until after voting} for betaing and not going “You want to cross BSG with what??!!”
Monday, February 25, 2008
Classic Series Available for Instant Viewing on Netflix
Rumor has it that the Addams Family Original TV Series (1964-1966) is currently available to stream (Netflix's "Watch Instantly" feature).
While I don't have Netflix, and don't seem to be able to confirm or deny the rumors personally. I do urge those of you with a Netflix account, who are interested in watching the series for free, to check it out. This is a great chance for those of you who haven't seen the series to finally take a look!
Check out http://www.netflix.com/
While I don't have Netflix, and don't seem to be able to confirm or deny the rumors personally. I do urge those of you with a Netflix account, who are interested in watching the series for free, to check it out. This is a great chance for those of you who haven't seen the series to finally take a look!
Check out http://www.netflix.com/
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fester and Wednesday Take It Off in the Name of Anti-Art

Fester and Wednesday pose as semi-nude models at Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-art School.
Check out Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-art School Homepage for over twenty photos of the event.
There are even a few glimpses of the rest of the family taking part.
Monday, February 18, 2008
"The Emerging Lurch Movement."
Monsters everywhere question their monsterdom. Addams Family's Lurch is leading the movement.
"The whole point of this is that each of us must figure out for his or her or its self what it means to be a monster" said Lurch. "We don't try to give all of the answers. Each one must find his or her or its own path, and come to his or her or its own conclusions. Is that messy thinking? Absolutely, but we cherish the messiness. Doing monstrology is messy business. I don't think we can simply systematize a whole philosophy like some try to do.
Read more at: Frustrated Monsters Everywhere Join the "Emerging Lurch" Movement
"The whole point of this is that each of us must figure out for his or her or its self what it means to be a monster" said Lurch. "We don't try to give all of the answers. Each one must find his or her or its own path, and come to his or her or its own conclusions. Is that messy thinking? Absolutely, but we cherish the messiness. Doing monstrology is messy business. I don't think we can simply systematize a whole philosophy like some try to do.
Read more at: Frustrated Monsters Everywhere Join the "Emerging Lurch" Movement
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Addams Family Fanfiction by Corest_fiend
corset_fiend of posted a new Addams Family fic in the addamses community of livejounral.com.
It is entitled The Seven Deadly Sins of The Addams Family.
(Please note that this story has a mature rating)
It is entitled The Seven Deadly Sins of The Addams Family.
(Please note that this story has a mature rating)
addams family,
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Addams Family Resort and Casino... That Never Was

Here's a real tease for fans. vegastodayandtomorrow.com has this listed in an article called "Dream Projects Which Were Never Built."
Their description is as follows:
"Addams Family Resort and Casino
Aimed directly at the baby-boomer demographic, The Addams Family Resort and Casino was another (really bad, ok, laughable) idea."
Hmm, not very flattering. See more Vegas projects that never were at
Vegas DREAMS Part 2
Addams Family Theme International
Addams Family TV Series Intro in Japanese
While the movies kept the name "The Addams Family" (pronounced in Japanese "Adamuzu Fya-miri"), the television show was called "Addams no Obake Ikka" ("The Addams Monster Family).
Addams Family Cartoon Intro in Polish
While the movies kept the name "The Addams Family" (pronounced in Japanese "Adamuzu Fya-miri"), the television show was called "Addams no Obake Ikka" ("The Addams Monster Family).
Addams Family Cartoon Intro in Polish
addams family,
classic show,
'Addams Family' heads to Broadway

According to our most recent poll, the majority of people weren't aware that there is an Addams Family Broadway production in the works. And so, here are the details, for those of you still not in the know.
addams family,
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Addams Theme Available With Other Classic Monster Songs
Milton DeLugg "Music For Monsters, Munsters, Mummies and Other TV Fiends" LP

Download Free From Mostly Ghostly Music Sharing Blaaahhhggg!!!

Download Free From Mostly Ghostly Music Sharing Blaaahhhggg!!!
Lesbian Version of the Addams Family Set to be filmed?
Here is some news that may make a lot of fans look twice. Well, this little tidbit has been confirmed as false. Though, concept certainly would have been interesting. cube_166 of livejournal originally reported the following:
A Lesbian version of the Addams Family is set to be filmed next year. The Addams Family has always been a favorite of lesbians everywhere but many lesbians have wished that the program might be a little more lesbian friendly. In response the BBC Commissioner, Sir Cubics MacLesbotrope has decided to totally revamp the traditional format. The cast list is as follows:
Upon being asked about the accuracy of this info, cube_166 replied: "Sorry, as awesome as that would be it isn't going to happen. To my knowledge at least. When I said it contains some actual facts I may have been exaggerating a bit."
A Lesbian version of the Addams Family is set to be filmed next year. The Addams Family has always been a favorite of lesbians everywhere but many lesbians have wished that the program might be a little more lesbian friendly. In response the BBC Commissioner, Sir Cubics MacLesbotrope has decided to totally revamp the traditional format. The cast list is as follows:
- Gomez, the head of the family, will be played by Portia De Rossi.
- Morticia, her wife, will be played by Lucy Liu.
- Wednesday, the scheming and sombre daughter of the family, will be played by Michelle Rodriguez.
- Pugsley, the slow witted but enthusiastic daughter of the family will be played by Paris Hilton.
- Aunt Fester, the one that I’ve forgotten all useful information about, will be played by Christina Aguilera.
- Thing, the disembodied hand scrabbling around performing tasks for the family, will be played by Ellen DeGeneres.
- Lurch, the ghoulish servant of the family, will be played by Angelina Jolie.
- Cousin Itt, the family’s hairy cousin, will be played by Russell Brand.
Upon being asked about the accuracy of this info, cube_166 replied: "Sorry, as awesome as that would be it isn't going to happen. To my knowledge at least. When I said it contains some actual facts I may have been exaggerating a bit."
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cousin Itt's Car on Display

The 1960 Messerschmitt KR-200 was made by Messerschmitt AG, a German aircraft company that built warplanes during World War II. Barred from producing aircraft after the war, the company switched to cars. A little trivia: The film Brazil featured a Messerschmitt and Cousin Itt drove one in the Addams Family comics.
Bruce Weiner Microcar Museum Homepage
Read about the Museum at wired.com
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Addams Family Fanfiction Hot Off the Press!
by corset_fiend of livejournal.com
The Last Rites of Wednesday Addams
by d_generate_girl of yuletidetreasure.org
Addams Traditions
by phantomas of yuletidetreasure.org
Girl Scout Cookies
by Aaron M. Brandt of fanfiction.net
by corset_fiend of livejournal.com
The Last Rites of Wednesday Addams
by d_generate_girl of yuletidetreasure.org
Addams Traditions
by phantomas of yuletidetreasure.org
Girl Scout Cookies
by Aaron M. Brandt of fanfiction.net
Saturday, January 5, 2008
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