Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Addams Family vs. The Munsters: a Review

I came across this review of the Addams Family Season 1 DVD set. It contains yet another insightful comparison of the Addams Family and the Munsters. Since this much contested match-up is always of interest, I decided to post it.

Read the review on the Seattle Examiner's homepage,


Anonymous said...

hi there,
I currently got into my Addams Phase again and it's great to know I'm not the only one who is still crazy for them :)
Actually I got my first own Fan Fiction Story in progress and wonder if you could tell me where I can post it, so that people also come to read it?
thanks in advance,

paulafromtwoson said...

Hi aloavera,
Sorry for the late reply! Well, there are a few places to post your fic... To make sure more readers get access, I suggest posting anywhere and everywhere you can think of. recently added an Addams family category under "movies."
Another lively place for Addams Family fiction is on If you aren't already a livejournal member, I highly recommend it--it's a good place to bring fanfiction of all kinds, and generally has a mature, friendly userbase. In particular, I recommend the communities "addamses" and "theaddamssource."
Wherever you decide to post your story, please send me the link and I'll post it here!

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for your response!
I'll contact you as soon as the story is finished :D

Potato Recipes said...

Nicce blog post